Monday, March 11, 2013

Lunch With The Sisters, Jayden & Evan?

Nancy (Arizona Mama) and Shannon are two of the best Sisters-In-Law anyone could ask for!  They are both full of compassion, humility, and are both great mothers.

Unfortunately, there have been many things going on in my life the past year that have not allowed me to be the independent person that I used to be.  This has prevented me from many things, especially making time for my extended family and meeting my newest nephew, Evan. I am bound and determined to change this!

Nancy, I would like to take you, your boys, and Shannon out to lunch as soon as we our schedules can allow it.  It is a shame that I have not seen you for ages, and I want us to catch up on what is happening in each others' lives.

 I will call you and Shannon so we can all agree to a time SOON....
I love you both and can't wait to see you!  Tell John and Paul I love them and will see them soon as well.


Here are Jayden and Evan, by beautiful nephews!


  1. I would love to see you.. I miss you. Thank you for the sweet compliments.

  2. Lunch would b great! Haven't sen u all in way too long
